
Standard basic construction kit

The tried and tested basic construction kit for both children and adults alike. Over 30 different runs can be built with this kit alone, an exciting introductory set suitable from ages 5 and up.

Consisting of:

1 Stk Nr. 1 Start

1 Stk Nr. 2 Straight

6 Stk Nr. 3 Bend

1 Stk Nr.4 Fall-Through

1 Stk Nr.5 Fall-Catch

2 Stk Nr.6 Large Cube

6 Stk Nr.7 Half Cube

10 Stk Nr.8 Small Cube

1 Stk Nr. 9 End Point

1 Stk Nr. 10 Hollowed Cube

2 Stk Rail 38,5 cm

6 Stk Rail 16,5 cm

3 Stk Rail 5,5 cm

22 Stk Metal Hooks

4 Stk Metal Marbles


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